In advance of Netflix's The Irishman film release on November 1, Robert De Niro and Al Pacino are featured on the cover of this month's Variety. Marco Grob shot the stars of the movie in a local New York City bar for the article:
"On a muggy August afternoon, De Niro and Pacino settle into a leather booth in the dining room of The Polo Bar, one of those baronial watering holes with pictures of equestrians on the wall and dark and highly varnished wood running along the ceilings. They’re here to discuss “The Irishman,” which wrapped nearly a year earlier. They are, friends and colleagues say, a study in contrasts. De Niro, taller in person than he appears on screen, is polite but reserved, delivering responses to queries that can veer toward monosyllabism. Pacino, wiry and more animated, is given to long, discursive answers that occasionally get lost in a bramble of remembrances and anecdotes."
Read the full article here.