REUKO x Heritage Outdoor Media Art Program x Times Square

We partnered Norway based artist REUKO and the Heritage Outdoor Media Art Program to showcase his project Light Bodies, a short-form series that explores nature's hidden light, reflecting on our inner energy and spirit. 

REUKO feels fully alive when he’s out in the elements, experiencing our natural world in all of its tranquility and tenacity. Reconnecting with nature is a form of meditation and therapy for him. It’s electrifying and rejuvenating, as if there are invisible streams of energy in the winds, waters, and sunlight that pass through us, like we are tapping into a vital life force.

What if we could visualize this phenomena? What shapes would it take? Recalling a quote from Nicola Tesla, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Whether it flows through a river stream, an ocean current, in a jet stream of wind across the sky, or pumping through the veins of a living being, we are all connected by these repeating patterns, waveforms, and systems found in nature. This is our shared community, our shared ecosystem, everything and everyone connected, expressed in our most fundamental form; energy.

Don't miss the digital billboard at 1530 Broadway in Times Square.